Project management: art or science?

Art and science have so much in common – the process of trial and error, finding something new and innovative, and to experiment and succeed in a breakthrough. –Peter M. Brant, American businessman. Those of us who spend many hours involved with projects, sponsors, teams, and deliverables often don’t have the time or the inclination to look at the bigger picture. For those who are […]

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An overview of requirements management

  Requirements management has always been part of the project manager’s job. It was something that I handled as the project progressed without much thought. In today’s world, requirements management is an important part of the overall project. What is “requirements management?” In short, requirements management is the compilation, monitoring, and control of stakeholder needs for the project. According to PMI, the Requirements Management Plan is a component […]

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Managing the team, or managing the work?

As project managers, our job is to deliver a defined set of deliverables. Those deliverables may be as small as relocating a team to another floor, or as large as a satellite that hovers over the earth. No matter what the deliverables, the members of the team are crucial to the success of the project.   Team development In many companies, team development for projects […]

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