Six top tips for getting started on that project

We all have trouble getting started on what we need to do. For some, social media is the excuse for procrastination. For others, it’s surfing the Internet and reading about people and places that won’t get you any nearer to your goals. Personally, I’m a news junkie. I can locate and read news from nearly any source and even read about the same incident several […]

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The difference between lessons learned and project history

If your organization keeps good project history archives, you have the inside track on how to plan a new project and what to avoid. But what about the “Lessons Learned?” How are they different from project history? Project history and archives If you’ve got project history and archives available, they should contain all the documentation that was created for the completed project. Those documents include the […]

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Five tips to higher team productivity

Building teams is a critical skill for any project manager. Once the team is built, it’s important to keep the team’s productivity high. Here are several suggestions for helping to increase your team’s productivity and manage their workflow. Keep meetings to a minimum Meetings are necessary and universally hated. But just because no one admits they like meetings doesn’t mean they don’t have a purpose. Ask […]

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Build a great team

It’s a new year and everyone seems to be getting back to work.  New project assignments are going out, and it’s time to start building teams. How do you make sure the team you get is the team that can get the job done? Assess the team needs of the project Working with the sponsor, the project manager develops a charter – the description of […]

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