A surefire way to get better status

In Monday morning’s team meeting, project manager A is asking the team for status. The Quality Manager notes that they are 75% done with testing. PM A nods and makes a note. Perhaps she asks if testing will meet their dates. The Quality Manager says Yes. PM A moves on. But does she really know if testing will meet their dates? How many meetings like […]

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3 steps to finding a project management mentor

Walking out of the manager’s office, you’re excited to get your first project to manage. Now, you’re getting that sinking feeling in your mid-section. Your manager will help if asked despite their workload. What if you get stuck? The company methodology is a great process, but it doesn’t answer all your questions. A mentor or coach would be a big help. How to find someone? […]

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Are you project manager material?

This is the start of a new community for aspiring project managers. Are you interested in becoming a project manager? Stay tuned! We’ll be posting hints and tips on becoming a project manager for your company. Subscribe to our email list and receive your free report:  Secrets Revealed: Four steps to getting the project management experience credit you deserve Let us know your most burning […]

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